Minecraft Feed the Beast Infinity Evolved Firestone

Refined Firestone
Refined Firestone

Name Refined Firestone
Source Mod Railcraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Tool
Stackable Unknown

The Refined Firestone is a late game item added by the Railcraft mod. It can be used as a rechargeable form of furnace fuel and is particularly good for using with Steam Boilers, since it will cause a boiler to heat up 40 times faster than any other fuel, allowing the boiler to reach maximum efficiency much more quickly. It can also be used to set blocks on fire by right clicking like a Flint and Steel.

When first crafted from a Cut Firestone, the Refined Firestone will need to be charged. This can be accomplished by throwing the Refined Firestone into a pool of lava. Unlike other items, the Refined Firestone will not be destroyed. Instead it will rise up above the lava and begin turning all lava source blocks in the pool of lava into Obsidian. To fully charge a Refined Firestone requires well over 100 blocks of lava, so it will likely require going to the Nether or consuming several underground lava lakes. Since the Firestone will turn lava source blocks below the surface into Obsidian, it also highly useful for acquiring this material since there is no risk of the mined Obsidian falling into lava next to it. To retrieve the Firestone, simply click on it to have it stop charging and revert to its item form.

Eventually after lots of uses, the Refined Firestone may turn into a Cracked Firestone, requiring it to be repaired with another Raw Firestone.

Unlike non-refined versions of Firestone, the Refined Firestone will not set fire to nearby blocks, so it is safe to use in this form.

  • The Firestone requires 5000 Lava Source blocks to fully charge. It holds 5000 charges so you get a 1:1 ratio.
  • The Firestone only processes 1.5 items per use of a charge and is a great downside compared to using lava itself (which is 100 items per bucket).
  • The Firestone Ore can only be found in the Nether. It spawns in the bottom layers of the Nether, underneath the lava lakes.
  • Once the Firestone breaks and you removed it from where you were storing it will start to ignite the ground around you. An easy fix to this problem is to put the Firestone in a pouch or a separate inventory besides your own. This will prevent heat leaking (which lowers the charge) and remove the "fiery aura" that catches stuff on fire.
  • The Firestone recharges close to it and then gets sources further away. it only gets sources attached to the current one you tossed it into.

This process is great for getting rid of bedrock lava tunnels or lava ravines. Also, if you do this in the nether you could possibly build a small bridge by breaking and then tossing it back down further out.

Recipe [edit]


Source: https://ftbwiki.org/Refined_Firestone

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